12 Satirical Illustrations Showing How Our World Is Sick


All of us are culturally programmed to conform to social conventions and pre-established rules. Sometimes, even we feel something goes wrong in our society, we may not be able to point it out.here give 12 Satirical Illustrations Showing How Our World Is Sick check it out:-

Fortunately, artists like Mario Sanchez Nevado and Asaf Hanuka have drawn some satirical illustrations showing us how our world is sick. Take a look of these illustrations and see how many social problems you can identify:

1-Satirical Illustrations

3-Satirical Illustrations 2-Satirical Illustrations 4-Satirical Illustrations 5-Satirical Illustrations 6-Satirical Illustrations 7-Satirical Illustrations 8-Satirical Illustrations 9-Satirical Illustrations 10-Satirical Illustrations 11-Satirical Illustrations 12-Satirical Illustrations

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Mahesh Baldania is an entrepreneur, blogger, learner, reader and thinker. An Computer engineer by profession. Everything I writes is inspired by life experiences and study. I am passionate about software, disruptive technology, personal development, and inspiring others. I thinks, "We only have one life, might as well live it."