The Top 25 Motivational Blogs for 2015


The below are the top 25 motivational blogs for 2015, in my own opinion of course! I haven’t listed them in any particular order so it’s fairly randomized.

If you’ve been featured in the list please do feel free to share it on your blog or with your social media following.


1) Addicted 2 Success

Founded by Joel Brown – Addicted2Success is a blog that primarily focuses on success advice, but the majority of the content is motivational, and now having reached 54 million people worldwide, it’s become one of the most popular motivational blogs in the past 3 years.


2) Motivation Grid

Founded by Cris Nikolov – Motivation Grid is top motivational blog sharing quotes, videos and articles that relate heavily to happiness and productivity. It was founded by Cris roughly a year or so ago, and now gets half a million views per month.


3) Pick the Brain

Founded by John Wesley – Pick the Brain has been operating since 2006, and since then has expanded and brought new members onto the team. It’s three main categories are motivation, productivity and health, and I had the honor of being featured on the blog recently.


4) Get Motivation

Founded by Josh Hinds – Get Motivation is another of the great motivational blogs, focusing purely on motivational articles, stories and quotes.


5) Tiny Buddha

Founded by Lori Deschene – Tiny Buddha is the worldwide famous blog geared towards living a happy, peaceful and confident life. After racking up millions of social media followers, Tiny Buddha definitely deserves to be on this list of the top motivational blogs.


6) Dumb Little Man

Founded by Jay White – Dumb Little Man was actually founded after Jay stumbled onto Blogger and did a little messing around after work. It features all the great categories you’d expect to see on motivational blogs such as happiness, success, money and life hacks.


7) Alden Tan

Founded by Alden Tan – His blog is one that I’ve mentioned before on Wealthy Gorilla, because it differs from the usual formal style of blogging. Alden’s advice is all about living your life freely without all the worrying what others may think of you, but it’s raw, straight to the point and explicit.


8) The Utopian Life

Founded by Thai Nguyen – The Utopian Life is another great motivational blog that Thai created to share his thoughts on happiness, productivity and motivation. Thai has a huge passion for writing, and that’s what tips this blog over the edge.


9) Deep Existence

Founded by Stephen Guise – He’d probably hate me for including Deep Existence on this list, because he doesn’t believe in the philosophy of motivation. Stephen says that what he writes about is 12% inspiration and 88% logic. Yet the blog is still motivational to the large number of people that do.


10) I Need Motivation

Founder Unknown – I Need Motivation is much more than just a blog, it’s a business based on personal growth and self-development. The team behind it has written many books on these subjects, and they also hold seminars and coaching sessions. (Do you know the founder of this blog?)


11) Girls Motivation

Founder Unknown – Girls Motivation is a small blog specifically designed around motivation for women in terms of fitness and life in general. There aren’t too many blogs I could find that are targeted specifically for females, since I found the site on Google. (Do you know the founder of this blog?)


12) MenProvement

Founded by Sean Russell – MenProvement is a motivational blog specifically targeting men, and as you can tell from the title; it’s all about men improving their lives. Becoming successful in life and with women, building their dream body, are the main things that Sean writes about.


13) Planet of Success

Founded by Steve Mueller – Planet of Success is another great personal development blog that motivates and inspires individuals. There hasn’t been too many posts published on it recently, but what’s on there currently s definitely worth reading.


14) Everyday Power Blog

Founded by Jeff Moore – The Everyday Power Blog is all about being able to become the best version of yourself, and Jeff is giving you both the tools and inspiration you need to get started.


15) Success Consciousness

Founded by Remez Sasson – 15th on the list of top motivational blogs is Success Consciousness, where he writes about skills, inner powers, improvement and positivity. Remez has also written several books within these topics, that you can learn more about on his blog.


16) Life Hack

Founded by Leon Ho – Life Hack is regarded as one of the most popular self-development blogs on the web. The team has expanded widely, the site’s had hundreds of guest contributors over the years. If you haven’t yet checked it out, do so shortly.


17) Motivation for Dreamers

Founded by Moses Simuyemba – There’s a lot of different content to be found on Motivation for Dreamers. I actually only just recently stumbled onto the site through a Google Search.


18) Motivation to Move

Founded by Scott Smith – Motivation to Move mainly focuses on success coaching, and like many of the great motivational blogs on the internet, Scott’s story is an awesome one. Visit his blog for articles on fitness, personal growth, motivation and more.


19) The Positivity Blog

Founded by Henrik Edberg – The Positivity blog is all about… yep you guessed it, being positive! Henrik started writing self-development articles back in 2006, and the blog has stood the test of time, continuing to be a great motivational resource.


20) Productivity 501

Founded by Mark Shead – Productivity 501 might not be considered as a true motivational blog, as it’s all about productivity, organization, technology etc. Yet it’s not to go unnoticed for many of those articles giving people motivation in areas like productivity.


21) The Eureka Life

Founded by – Swati Chauhan – The Eureka Life is another of the best motivational blogs on the list, where she writes about self-development, achieving goals and increasing your productivity. The blog has been featured on various websites including Pick the Brain and Life Hack, both on this list as well.


22) Wingman Magazine

Founded by Patrick Banks – Wingman Magazine is a blog that focuses on men improving their own lives, in terms of sex, dating, self-development and motivation. I’ve also had the pleasure of being featured on this blog in the past.


23) Zen Habits

Founded by Leo Babauta – Zen Habits separates itself from what’s now known as the traditional type of blog, by including only one post on the homepage. There are no ads or fancy designs used. Just pure content. It’s been regarded as one of the best self-development blogs on the net.


24) Motivational Memo

Founded by Peter G. James Sinclair – Motivational Memo is one of the rare motivational blogs backed up by many years of experience in business and writing. 25 years to be precise. If you’re looking for posts in categories such as leadership, wisdom and wealth, Peter’s the guy to go to!


25) Scott H Young

Founded by Scott Young – His blog covers it all: Goal setting, productivity, health, entrepreneurship, learning and life philosophy. It may be last on the list, but like I said before, it’s in no particular order. Definitely check it out.


If you made it onto the list, we’ve love for you to link back to this post on your blog and share it with your social media following. Alternatively, if you’re not a blogger and just enjoyed the list, you can share it with your friends and family using the buttons below.