These cigars are usually associated with wealth and luxury. Many cigar aficionados are of the opinion that not all cigars are alike. Each and every cigar has its own character. You can buy a regular cigar for around $5, but some cigars are really special and expensive.Here are Top 10 most expensive cigar in the world.Â
10.Louixs ($50 per cigar)
These large cigars, which feature a six inch ring, are made by the Goldwin Metropolitan Company in Nicaragua. They are available in Rosado wrappers. The image of Louis XIV on these cigars gives them a royal appearance.
9.Arturo Fuente Opus X BBMF ($55 per cigar)
The Opus X BBMF cigars are immensely popular. It is not easy to find them. They are produced by Arturo Fuente, a company that is known to produce excellent cigars. According to many cigar lovers, no one cultivates cigar filler and wrapper tobacco more scrupulously than Arturo Fuente.
8.Fuente Don Arturo AniverXario ($7,500 per box)
Even though these wonderful cigars were produced in 2001, they were released in 2008 in memory of Arturo Fuente. The box comes with 46 natural wrapped cigars and 46 maduro wraps.
7.Arturo Fuente Opus X “A†($79 per cigar)($7,500 per box)
These cigars, which are sold as a single stick, are extremely rare. That is one of the reasons why they are so expensive. They are the biggest of the Opus X line. At 9¼ inches, this cigar is a veritable monster. It has a mild taste with a jalapeno flavor.
6.Cohiba Behike ($18,800 per box)
Cohiba produces premium cigars. In fact it is the most famous cigar brand in Cuba. Cohiba introduced the 7.5-inch Behike cigar in 2006 as a limited edition; only around 100 boxes were sold. These hand-rolled cigars have a 52 inch ring size.
5.Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve ($750 per cigar, $14,999 per box)
Few cigars can match the caliber of Gurkha handmade cigars. The Gurkha HMR is a rare and special cigar. People wait for years to get these beautiful cigars. Only 100 boxes are produced annually. The HMR blend is comprised of a 15 year Connecticut Maduro wrapper with 12 year old Dominican binder and filler that is aged with one bottle of the world’s finest cognac.
4.Gurkha Black Dragon ($23,000 per box)
These cigars are considered to be among the finest in the world. The Gurkha Black Dragon cigar is dressed in a dark and toothy, five year old Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. These cigars are individually packed in frosted tubes and placed in leather boxes with layers of orange velvet.
3.King of Denmark ($4,500 per cigar)
Produced by Royal Danish Cigars, the King of Denmark cigar is encrusted with Swarovski crystals and decorated with 24 carat gold leaf graffiti. They can be customized to your liking. You can have your name written in gold on them.
2.Gran Habano #5 El Gigante ($185,000)
With a 1,929 ring gauge, the El Gigante is the largest cigar in the world. Around 1,600 pounds of tobacco were used to produce it. It was created as a display piece for trade shows.
1.Mayan Sicars ($507,000)
Maya Sicars were sold at an auction for $507,000. They were discovered by archeologists from Tampa University while excavating sites around Guatemala. Even though these cigars are around 600 years old, they were so well preserved that you can actually smoke them.
Have you smoked any of these cigars? Which is your favorite brand?